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SkillForce - Heroes in Schools Transforming LivesArmed Forces veterans at a national education charity are set to benefit from a funding boost.

SkillForce, which works with more than 200 schools nationally, has received a £15,000 cash injection from ABF The Soldiers’ Charity for skills training.

The charity employs ex-Services personnel as instructors in schools to support their transition back into civilian life. Currently, 70% of the charity’s instructors are ex-Services personnel.

The funding will contribute towards a professional development and training programme, which includes coaching, behaviour management, first aid, mentoring and safeguarding.

Ben Slade, Chief Executive, SkillForce, said: “We employ predominantly ex-Services personnel as instructors on our programmes with schools because they are inspirational role models who have a profound impact on the children and young people with whom they work.”

He added: “We are committed to investing in their continued professional development as they transition from military to civilian life, and I would like to thank ABF The Soldiers’ Charity for their support.”

Brigadier (Ret’d) Robin Bacon, Chief of Staff, ABF The Soldiers’ Charity said: “Transitioning between Service and civilian life can be tough on some, so having the support of SkillForce is a huge asset to those in its training programme.

“The Soldiers’ Charity grant will help those leaving the Army continue to use their skills developed in the Service and inspire school children throughout the UK.”